I like to see the boy a little jealous, even if it has nothing to do with wanting me and just to do with the fact he doesn’t like other blokes taking the piss. On the other hand I don’t like him to feel bad! 😐

By Depressed Dorothy Posted in Thoughts


Im sad that it pretty much feels like i lost someone I care a lot about. Or maybe he lost me? Either way, I feel sad.

By Depressed Dorothy Posted in Thoughts

I just want Oscar and me to be happy together 😦

Sometimes he’s so kind and makes me so happy. 🙂 Other times he spends all his time trying to get as far away from me as possible.

Why can he only spend so much time with me before he needs to be alone?

I thought he meant what he said on holiday about wanting quality over quantity. Spending an hour with me whilst you fix my toilet isn’t exactly quality?

By Depressed Dorothy Posted in Thoughts

“Everyone makes time for who and what they cherish. You know when you’re not cherished. Don’t settle for that.”

Thanks, I won’t.

By Depressed Dorothy Posted in Thoughts


I’m too old for this shit! I Can’t wait for my trip to Lincoln!!! Need some time with my friends 🙂


By Depressed Dorothy Posted in Thoughts

He can’t tell me he cares about me. He doesnt ever say it. He just tells me I’m silly for asking. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t need a bit of reassurance, or maybe I just want to hear him say it. It isn’t silly to me.

It’s like he can’t discuss anything emotional. Sometimes he can’t even show it, I’m just supposed to know how he feels without any evidence.
It makes me feel pretty shitty.

By Depressed Dorothy Posted in Thoughts